Wednesday, March 28, 2007


The one place my digital skills shine through is with the digital camera. I love to shoot pictures, and back in the day of 35mm I'd routinely shoot a roll of film in one sitting, hoping for the two or so 'keeper' pictures on the roll. I gave myself permission to just click away. Enter the digital camera - what freedom! Suddenly I could take a hundred or so pictures in a row, view them instantly, and get rid of the ones I didn't want to keep. Better still, I could modify the keepers... crop them, enhance the image, take out the red-eye... so much fun!

This past year I've learned to use them in conjunction with PowerPoint, making slide shows for fund-raising and other forms of public library marketing. In the library we use a digital camera often to photograph children caught sitting on the floor reading, storytime scenes, or photos for the website. We keep an alphebetized book of signed photo releases and are very careful when it comes to posting pictures of minors, but so far it's gone quite smoothly.

Lately we've put the camera into the hands of the children more often. Seeing the world through their eyes (inspired by Born Into Brothels) is opening up another view of the library.

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