Saturday, March 17, 2007

Confessions of a digital immigrant

Let's get this out of the way: I am no digital native. Marc Prensky's 2001 article "Digital Immigrant, Digital Native" resonated deeply with me: I discovered what a heavy accent I have. Suddenly I understood why my three teens laugh when I print a Word document for editing or call someone to come look at my computer screen rather than link the site to their computer.

To be fair, the fact that I'm even willing to explore the world of technology should win me a few points: I bake bread, milk goats, wear no make-up. I'm still afraid to own a microwave and our family gets what television will reach our mountain valley antenna (usually two channels, sometimes three in the winter). Naturally wired I am not.

In this blog I will explore how I am learning to use - nay, to embrace - technology. To use it for the greater good of the services I can offer as a youth services librarian and to help transition our library into an era of 'wired-ness'. My hope is to inspire, support, or commiserate with others who, like myself, don't find this transition particularly natural or easy.

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