Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Yesterday I conquered the world of podcasting. OK, conquered might be a bit of an overstatement, but I succeeded in a first attempt. Thanks to many articles, all of which said the same thing, I felt secure sitting down at the computer and recording my script on Audacity. The adventure, the quickening heartbeat, the moment of sheer excitement came when the computer said that the file couldn't be converted to MP3 mode.

I was sitting at my boss' computer, after hours. My instinct was to find someone - anyone - to help me. At home it would be my husband or son, at work one of the younger librarians or teens. No one was available, and I was limited with time. Deep breath, you can do this.

Long story short, I did - I found, loaded, unzipped "lame" (who comes up with these file names?) and got the Audacity file exported through MP3. I *think* I even managed to send it to the course documents folder on Blackboard. Finally, I figured out how to load the podcast to my loaner ipod.

A digital native will have no appreciation of the sense of conquest I feel this morning. I can do this - I can learn this stuff. The computer didn't blow up, the world did not end. It's steps like these that make me confident that eventually my 'accent' will fade and I'll be blogging and Wiki-ing and Podcasting with the best of them!

Sites I found helpful: (Thanks, Daniel!) Link to Podcast, then Create A Podcast
(Beginner's Guide To Podcasting)

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