Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Rise and Fall of the Library Playstation

The playstation2 has died. Amazingly, it made it through 2.5 years of hard use - probably some kind of record.

We got the PS2 through a grant, along with a large-screen tv. The tv doubled as a movie screen (the library has a movie license) until we got a projector. As predicted, there were mixed reactions to the gaming system at first (this predates my employment here, so I'm going by anectode): apparently many adults who were not connected to younger patrons complained about the noise and simply the presence of the tv. A new location was found, and the general hubbub died down.

The staff generally found the PS2 to be a good thing. It certainly drew kids (and the occasional over-18 patron)into the library who may otherwise have avoided the building completely. It was a great equalizer - kids who couldn't afford (or weren't allowed) a gaming system could come play, letting them join in on the playground conversations about this game over that game, or how hard level 4 of Star Wars was! Perhaps most surprisingly, we noticed a good bit of intergenerational experience happening around the PS2 - grandparents would be amazed at the skill their grandkids showed at the game.

Anyway, it died. We're most noticing that kids who run to the children's desk to sign up for a turn are momentarily disappointed, but not terribly so. They quickly move on to something else. In a week, we haven't had a single request to replace it. It's as if the kids know it was good while it lasted. Will we replace it? We're not sure. Not right away - the budget isn't there. If one were to be donated we'd probably take it.

As a librarian, I would support the presence of a gaming system again. There are far more positives than negatives within the library setting.

*Note - I've never played, nor do I want to. It's easier to say 'don't know how!' to questions than to spend time trying to figure out the problem of the moment!

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