Thursday, April 5, 2007

About blogs...

I thought I'd take a little time to blog about blogs. (Sounds redundant!)

This is one new technology application I think I can sink my teeth into. It was wonderfully easy to set up, thanks to the host site. The first one I looked at - seedwiki - looked a bit utilitarian and blah. This site seemed a little classier - a bit easier to read. I worked on my profile (as if anyone cares!) and began writing.

What I like, I think, is the free-form approach. While I like to journal, I don't do a lot of it. Journaling with the inkling that someone else might actually read it, though, is a different feeling - I can communicate what's on my mind and just maybe someone will care!

I also get the feeling I get when I am involved in NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month ( . For a month every year I write furiously, attempting to complete some semblance of a novel. No one else reads it, but it gives me purpose in writing. The more I write, the better I get with it (gee, eventually practice does make perfect!) and the easier the next bit is to write.

I could imagine blogs being useful for the youth services department - what a way to communicate with today's digital natives! And what kid doesn't like feeling as if they're eavesdropping on someone's diary...

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